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Nicky Peeters

3PP Universe Members
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Everything posted by Nicky Peeters

  1. Hi Guys, I really liked last meeting when Brett started talking about illusions. Ita a topic rarely discussed in that manner, yet so profound. Yet so obviously pointing to us living in a dream or "a world made of thought" as Syd put it. Thank you Brett I really really enjoyed that. It is so obvious we live in a thought created reality, yet so hidden to us sometimes. I remember observing people around me in the same restaurant all having different reactions to the restaurant; one couple was in love, another person was impatient while waiting for their take away, I was lost in a memory as a painting on the wall reminded me of a journey I once took. And I remember realizing we all were living in a different "feeling". Then the question popped up: if all of us are living in a different feeling of the restaurant, then what feeling is the restaurant itself giving off? As an answer my mind swept clean and silent. The same effect listening to Keith had on me during this meeting. X
  2. I love this question. To me anything apart from the 3p is a construct. As it is a set of ideas created from the 3ps. Hence, yes any scientific framework, worldview, religion, is shaped by using the three principles. As it is unlimited what we can create with them.
  3. Hi All - Really enjoyed the first meeting of the membership. The Thing that hit me most, once again is how we are lost thinkers without the insight of how mind works through us. / The three principles. And how rearranging the effect of that insight is and turns the mind calm. Keith sharing his clear seeing about how our mind is contant works once again. - Another point that came back is that we are discussing an IMPERSONAL mind, one behind our seeming personal one. I sometimes get lost thinking its about the psychology today I saw again it is the Impersonal. which Brett emphasized so beautifully - The same point as this one, where Brett distinguished thinking from thought. It again is very powerful for me because the impersonal nature becomes more clear. That it is not about our personal thought content becomes more clear. All and all I felt like it was kept very pure, not going into the direction of the form where I myself usually get lost. Pointing us to the formless where everything makes sense again and my own understanding lives and flourishes. Thanks
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