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Brett Chitty

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Everything posted by Brett Chitty

  1. Brett Chitty


    © Brain Cane

  2. © Brain Cane

  3. © Brain Cane

  4. Brett Chitty


    © Brain Cane

  5. One of the precautions I've learned to recognize is to not come up with any definitions, especially in Mental Health. I'd much rather leave "mental health" an open topic so that anyone interested can have an open platform in which wisdom can come through instead of a closed platform. It's essential that there is room for something new, deeper, insightful, or fresh to come through. This would allow delightful surprises to come through. It's the "surprise element" we are going for here.
  6. The top line, "Mind + Thought + Consciousness = Reality" is the reference formula we are using for understanding the Three Principles. Sydney Banks shared this formula in "The Enlightened Gardener Revisited," chapter 4, page 42. We dived deeper into this formula and brought to light an insightful direction about what this means. In the picture example, we used "The Past" and attempted to understand how "The Past" is created. It's a widely held belief that "The Past" creates the reality we now have i.e., the formula of "The Past" = Reality. Sydney Banks was saying something altogether very different. Now we have to opportunity to consider very different. What about, "Mind + Thought + Consciousness = The Past"? What are the implications of this particular formula? It will become apparent that "The Past" is no longer the 'thing' that determines your reality. More simply, it's not the past that has the power to determine your reality. The Principles neutralize any power the past may have had on your life and therefore cannot hold you captive anymore. You are free once again! This picture came from "Uncovering the Hidden Dimension" membership. If you'd like to join, please click here, we'd love to have you.
  7. Brett Chitty


    © https://picklescomic.com

  8. Patrik Rowinski, from Sweden, had watched the 3PP Town Hall Meeting where I made a presentation with Keith. He was inspired by what he saw and came up with a wonderful comic strip! Enjoy!

    © Patrik Rowinski

  9. God I see God as having no form, yet is everything at the same time, just on the invisible side of the coin. I still have no clue what God is, but it's good to know that it exists. Everything in our universe is in form, which means that everything is also formless at the same time. So it's not a person, not a thing, not an entity, not a paradigm, not an "in-the-sky" thing, and many more. It's formless for me. If we can "see" God, that would have to be form. Indeed, everything we "see" is form, whether physical or psychological, and whether with our eyes, or the "mind's eye." You're spot on - a "personal" God isn't God, that's a personal thought about God. God in form is not God, that's in form. The only way to "shoehorn" God into something is to have a God in form in the first place. Unfortunately, it's very believable and people carry it as if were the actual God, and innocently lose their divine connection to the formless. If God is formless, there would be no means of shoehorn-ing it into anything at all, including religion. Put simply, try shoehorning something with no form! Religion Religion is in form, but I'm careful not to say form is "bad," "unnecessary," or "something to avoid." The key is whether we realize that religion is connected to the formless. There are religions that attempt to guide people to reconnect to the divine wisdom, but unfortunately, there are also religions that separate the form and formless, making the formless disappear. So the disconnected religions are the ones that promote religion in a way it was not meant to be intended. More interestingly, if you were to look at people within a religion, you'd find people who are connected to the wisdom and there are others in the same religion who clearly are not connected. A typical connected religious person is unlikely to promote their religion because they know it's an "inside job." The "disconnected "ones believe it's an "outside job" and thus try to get others to join their religion, usually by means that require people to give up their free will and become followers instead. I'm blessed to have such marvelous and wise friends who are religious, including Jews and Muslims. They have enriched my experiences in incredible ways. Unfortunately, I've also had the experience of Jews and Muslims whose attitude is a total turn-off, and yet they promote their religion with such an attitude! I'm glad that I don't have to make one person's actions an indicator of a group or religion, I can keep my thought processes about a person to the individual rather than of a group or religion anyone might belong to. At the end of the day, there is the formless. No one will ever know what will emerge out of the formless until it has already taken on a form. But it's definitely fun to find out as we go about our lives. As Sydney Banks said himself: So, I suggest - don't go looking for God! Because the act of looking can only occur in the form!
  10. Hello everyone! I was invited by Keith to share the Three Principles in a unique way that we hope is insightful. You can watch the recording below. I would dearly love to hear from you what you thought about the Three Principles. Was there anything new? Did you have an insight? Did something change, a new perspective, perhaps? Did you get a deep/magical feeling? Please feel free to comment below. If you have any questions, please add them below and the community or myself will respond. If you are interested in going deeper, please consider joining the Uncovering the Hidden Dimension membership.
  11. until
    The November 2023 edition of the free 3PP Town Hall Meeting. Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvc-yhrjgtGtRsafKVgmoTC6S5qtrZEFDG
  12. until
    A special 3PP Town Hall Meeting with special guest, Brett Chitty. Everyone is welcome to join. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvc-yhrjgtGtRsafKVgmoTC6S5qtrZEFDG This is the first of a new series of Town Hall Meetings where Keith will be joined by noted teachers of the Three Principles. We're delighted to have Brett Chitty as our first guest. both Keith and Brett are looking forward to having you join them and take part in an insightful conversation.
  13. What a cool community here!

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